The Spiritual Continuum Bible Study Student Workbook

You may freely print it out for study purposes in small groups, conferences and classroom situations.



PDF format  |   Kindle (mobi format)  |  Kindle (new azw3 format)  | Ebook (epub format)


A free 56 page workbook in various formats (see above).


A  slightly larger font is employed so that it will be easy to read on mobile devices or in less than perfect lighting.

There are wide margins so that the pages may be put in a ring binder and given out to students.

There is some space at the bottom of each page so that students can make their own notes as they go along.

There are study and discussion questions and practical exercises and “how to” material so that students can put the teachings into practice.

There is a brief Teacher and Facilitators Guide.


This workbook is Creative Commons copyright (but not the main book) and  may be translated accurately and free used in ministry and reproduced freely for non-profit ministry purposes but may not be sold in any way.






The Spiritual Continuum is (c) copyright Cybermissions 2017, and the author is John Edmiston,  The Spiritual Continuum

may be freely used for non-profit Christian ministry purposes but may not be sold in any way. For permission to translate or to use extensively you may

email John Edmiston at: with a clear request.